Does Your Vagina Become Tighter If You Have Less Sex? There's gotta be some silver lining to a dry spell right?

My view: The vaginal muscles work with the same rules as all muscles. If I entertain an excessive eating habit without regular exercise, eventually my stomach muscles are likely to get a bit lose. Logically if I wish to see changes I will be required to follow an exercise plan to re-strengthen my muscles. Likewise if you want to maintain your vaginal size you can follow an exercise/ plan for that too. Pelvic floor exercise is an effective and free method to strengthen your vaginal muscles which in turn reduces the size. Life is too short, missing out on fun and excitement in fear that you may expand is a none-productive concept, in some cases irregular sex can even compromise the quality of your performance too. Obviously if you overwork any muscle there will be a consequential impact because all muscles need time to recuperate and repair. However we must be realistic, what is the main purpose associated to a vagina besides childbirth and discarding liquid waste? Is it not engaging in the art of sex? Ladies, if you are not happy about your size do something about it. After all if your hair is damaged would you simply stop combing it? No you would arrange a repair program to address the concern. Likewise if you have a concern or challenge don’t give up, seek effective methods to address the matter.
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